Monday, March 17, 2008

Saving and Loading Spaces

A new build of Cobalt has just been made available download. Added functionality includes the ability to save and load spaces from web or local directories. This means that you can now make your custom Cobalt spaces available to others as a kind of template virtual world over the web!


Carlos Crosetti said...

Hi Lulia, I got Cobalt installed, how I get this menu "Saving and loading spaces" to open? Would be nice to see some tutorial specifict to Cobalt. thanks in advance, Carlos

Carlos Crosetti said...

Julian, my apologies as I bothered with posts. I was able to launch Cobalt by dragging the blue ball into the object space. I think I got the idea about Cobalt as a step forward from plain Croquet SDK, however would ne nice to have something to read to anticipate to finding the value. Regards, Carlos

Julian Lombardi said...

Lots of resources are being developed by our emerging community on the Croquet Consortium wiki.